Kawana Goryō Jinja (川名御霊神社)

Kawana Goryo Jinja (川名御霊神社)

Kawana Goryo Jinja (川名御霊神社) is a Shinto shrine located in the Kawana District of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture.  Said to have been founded in 941, it enshrines Prince Sawara (早良親王), the younger brother of Emperor Kanmu, along with Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa (鎌倉権五郎景政).

In front of the haiden (worship hall), two subordinate shrines stand to the right; an Inari shrine and a shrine enshrining Hosogami (疱瘡神), a demon believed to have caused smallpox in medieval Japan.

Shrine enshrining Hosogami (left) and an Inari shrine (center)

To the left stands a statue of Fukurokuju (福禄寿), one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

Statue of Fukurokuju

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