Kasuga Jinja (春日神社) & Kurobegū (黒部宮)

Kasuga Jinja (春日神社)

Kasuga Jinja (春日神社) is a Shinto shrine located in the Hiratsuka District of Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture.  Since it traces its origins to an older shrine called Kurobegu (黒部宮), originally situated south of its current location in what is now the Kurobeoka District of Hiratsuka, Kasuga Jinja was also known as Kurobegu before the Meiji period.

This shrine is believed to have been founded with the support of Minamoto no Yoritomo, the founder and first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate.  According to the Kasuga Jinja Engi, written in June 1654, Yoritomo designated the shrine as a place of prayer for the consecration of the Sagami River Bridge in 1191.

On August 9, 1192, a sacred horse was dedicated to the shrine, along with its betto-ji (a Buddhist temple that managed a Shinto shrine until the Edo period) Hanryuji (範隆寺), in prayer for a safe childbirth when the shogun's wife went into labor.  Because of this, the shrine became associated with blessings for safe childbirth.

Kurobegu (黒部宮)

Inari shrine standing behind Kurobegu

Due to repeated damage from high waves, the shrine was relocated north to its current site.  The Shinpen Sagami-no-kuni Fudokiko, a geographical guidebook of Sagami Province completed in 1841, notes that a small Inari shrine stands at the original location.  Locals who opposed the relocation also rebuilt a shrine there, naming it Kurobegu (黒部宮), which was the name of the original shrine at the site.

A unique pair of komainu stands before the second torii of Kasuga Jinja.  Donated in 1843 by Yonetaya Tsuneemon, they bear the signature of stonemason Izutsuya Sentaro from Takasago-cho, Edo.  The a-gyo (阿形) komainu is depicted nursing its cub, while the un-gyo (吽形) komainu is shown cradling its cub with its foot, an uncommon representation of komainu.

Subordinate Shrines of Kasuga Jinja

Kasuga Inari Jinja (春日稲荷神社)

Kasuga Inari Jinja (春日稲荷神社)

Kasuga Inari Jinja (春日稲荷神社) is an Inari shrine standing east of Kasuga Jinja.  The shrine's sign explains that its blessings include family safety, business prosperity, and protection from fire disasters, as well as preventing family collapse due to indulgence in extramarital affairs.

Kasuga Ryugu-sha (春日龍宮社)

Kasuga Ryugu-sha (春日龍宮社) stands within a pond called Ryujin-ike (龍神池) and enshrines the kami Itsukishimahime-no-mikoto (市杵島姫神), Tagorihime-no-mikoto (田心姫神), and Tagitsuhime-no-mikoto (湍津姫神).

Kasuga Ryuo Jinja (春日龍王神社)

Kasuga Ryuo Jinja (春日龍王神社)

Kasuga Tenmangu (春日天満宮)

Kasuga Tenmangu (春日天満宮)

Bishamonsonten-sha (毘沙門尊天社)

Bishamonsonten-sha (毘沙門尊天社)

Myogi Jinja (妙義神社), Hoso Jinja (疱瘡神社) & Sanno Jinja (山王神社)

Myogi Jinja (妙義神社), Hoso Jinja (疱瘡神社), and Sanno Jinja (山王神社)

Myogi Jinja (妙義神社) enshrines the kami of misfortunes and protection from evil.  Hoso Jinja (疱瘡神社) enshrines the kami of epidemics and contagious diseases.  Sanno Jinja (山王神社) enshrines the kami of medicine and medical treatments.

Tenjinchigi-sha (天神地祇社)

Tenjinchigi-sha (天神地祇社)

Tenjinchigi-sha (天神地祇社) enshrines the kami of Kotohira-sha (金刀比羅社), Sumiyoshi Jinja (住吉神社), Mitake Jinja (御嶽神社), Sainokami-no-yashiro (幸神社), Doso Jinja (道祖神社), Hakusan Jinja (白山神社), and Kurobegu (黒部宮).

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