Shinpukuji (真福寺)

Shinpukuji (真福寺)

Shinpukuji (真福寺) is a Buddhist temple located, close to Sagami River, in the Banyuhoncho District of Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture.  This is the only temple of the Jodo Shinshu sect in Hiratsuka.  It is said that Priest Shaku Zenshu (釈善秀) founded the temple in 1525 while traveling through various provinces.

Sanmon of Shinpukuji

The temple houses color paintings on silk (絹本着色) of Shinran (親鸞聖人像), Prince Shotoku (聖徳太子像), the Shichi Koso (seven high priests) of the Pure Land (浄土七高僧像), and Rennyo (浄土七高僧像), all of which have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by Hiratsuka.  These paintings are usually not open to the public, but they can be viewed online on Hiratsuka City's website.

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