Kamon-yama Park (掃部山公園)

Statue of Ii Naosuke
Kamon-yama Park (掃部山公園), in the Momijigaoka District of Nishi-ku, YokohamaKanagawa Prefecture, was named in honor of Ii Naosuke (井伊直弼) (1815-1860), who contributed to opening Yokohama Port.  The head of the Ii Family was referred to as "Kamon-no-kami," where the park got its name, and ruled the Hikone Domain, located east of Lake Biwa.  Naosuke himself was the 16th domain head.  In general, he is known for carrying out the Ansei Purge which led to his assassination in the Sakuradamon Incident, one of the major events in Japanese history, in 1860.

The park is known for as one of the hanami spots of Yokohama during the cherry blossom seasons.

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