Ampuku-ji Temple (安福寺)

Ampuku-ji Temple (安福寺), officially Kongozan Muryojuin Ampuku-ji Temple (金剛山無量寿院安福寺), is a Buddhist temple of the Shingon-shu Buzan-ha sect, located in the Nishiohashi District of Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture.

Main hall of Ampuku-ji Temple (安福寺)

The temple dates back to the mid-Kamakura period and was restored in 1469 by Ryoei (良栄), a disciple of the sixth chief priest of Nagakuni Daishou-ji Temple.  After its restoration, Ryoei became the first chief priest of Ampuku-ji Temple.


Originally a branch of Daigo-ji Sanboin Temple in Kyoto, Ampuku-ji Temple is now affiliated with Hase-dera Temple, the head temple of the Shingon-shu Buzan-ha sect.

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