Setsubun (節分) at Sakitori Jinja (前鳥神社) & Hiratsuka Hachimangu Shrine (平塚八幡宮)

Setsubun (節分) is a traditional Japanese event observed on the day before the start of spring, based on the old Japanese calendar.  It typically falls on February 3.

The highlight of Setsubun is mamemaki (豆撒き), which literally means bean throwing.  This ritual involves tossing roasted soybeans while chanting, "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (鬼は外! 福は内!)—"Demons out! Good fortune in!"

Some Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, such as Naritasan Shinshoji and Ikegami Honmonji, invite celebrities to perform mamemaki, often making headlines during this time of year.

In Hiratsuka, Setsubun celebrations were held at the Shinto shrines of Sakitori Jinja (前鳥神社) and Hiratsuka Hachimangu Shrine (平塚八幡宮).

Mamemaki at Sakitori Jinja
Mamemaki at Hiratsuka Hachimangu Shrine

Additionally, Sakitori Jinja has displayed a lantern featuring this year’s zodiac sign, the dragon, alongside cranes, Mount Fuji in red, pine trees, and a heavenly maiden.

Lantern displayed Sakitori Jinja

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