Luna no Sekai (Lunaの世界)

Luna no Sekai (Lunaの世界)

Luna no Sekai (Lunaの世界) is a ramen shop in the Nogecho District, near Sakuragicho Station, in Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, run by Luca Padovan from Italy.  Orders are placed using the ordering machine.

During lunch hours, a bowl of rice is complimentary.


Acqua Pazza Tomato Ramen (アクアパッツァトマトめん)

The most ordered item is Italian Style Ramen (イタリアンスタイルらーめん), displayed at the top of the menu board.

Menu board

Normal operating hours:
11:30 AM - 3:00 PM
6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Closed on Tuesday

Acceptable payment methods:
Cash only

Ordering machine

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