PLAIN (プレイン)


PLAIN (プレイン) is a cafe and bakery located on Rachien-dori in Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Bakery section of PLAIN
Cafe section of PLAIN

PLAIN offers a variety of items including gâteaux, biscuits, and coffee.  Additionally, their café serves galettes, crêpes, and desserts, with galette sets that come with a bowl of soup and a drink.


Corn Potage (コーンポタージュ)
Galette Tomates et Salades (トマトとサラダのガレット)

Normal operating hours:
Bakery:  11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Cafe:  11:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Closed on Wednesday and Sunday

Acceptable payment methods:
Cash only

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