Ebisu Jinja (蛭子神社)

Ebisu Jinja (蛭子神社)

Ebisu Jinja (蛭子神社) is a Shinto shrine, enshrining the kami Onamuchi-no-Mikoto (大己貴命), located in the Komachi District of Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture.


Its origins trace back to a guardian deity that was later enshrined at the sanmon of the Buddhist temple of Hongakuji.  However, following the Meiji government's policy of separating Shinto and Buddhism, the shrine was relocated from the temple grounds and re-established as the guardian deity of Komachi Village in 1873.

It merged with nearby shrines of Sanno Gongen (山王権現) and Shichimen Daimyojin (七面大明神) and was renamed Ebisu Jinja in August 1874.

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