Shundō-sama (俊道様)

Koryuji (江龍寺)

Shundo Daiosho (俊道大和尚), fondly called Shundo-sama (俊道様), was the 15th abbot of Koryuji (江龍寺), a Soto Zen Buddhist temple standing in the mountainous Nishikimachisugawa District of Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture.

He was a highly respected priest known for his teachings.  In his later years, he suffered from lower limb pain and lower back issues.  Before his passing on October 12, 1882, he reportedly left a message stating, "I shall heal the ailments from the waist down, specifically lower back pain, lower limb pain, hemorrhoids, and sexually transmitted diseases, to those who bring sake to my grave."

Shundo Daiosho's grave

Visitors seeking Shundo-sama's blessings bring alcohol to offer to his grave.  Any type of alcohol is acceptable.  At the grave, they pour half of the alcohol onto the pebbles surrounding the grave while chanting, "Namu Shundo Daiosho (南無俊道大和尚)."  The remaining alcohol is left at the grave, where it is managed by temple members.

Today, visitors from all over Japan come to Koryuji, drawn by the hope of relief and healing through Shundo-sama's promise.  The large pile of empty alcohol bottles behind his grave reflects the ongoing practice of offering alcohol.

Koryuji is also known as Shundo-sama's temple.

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