Tengakuin (天嶽院)

Tengakuin (天嶽院) is a Soto Zen Buddhist temple, in the Watauchi District of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, which traces its origin from an old Shingon sect temple of Fudo-in (不動院).

According to legend, in 1180, Minamoto no Yoritomo raised an army in Izu, and while on his way to Kamakura, he stopped at this temple and prayed to Fudo Myoo.

In 1495, Hojo Soun established a temple complex and converted Fudo-in into a Soto Zen temple, appointing Kyodo Genpaku (虚堂玄白) as the founding priest.

In 1576, the temple complex was destroyed by fire during the tenure of the fourth abbot. However, it was rebuilt by Hojo Tsunashige and his son Ujishige, lords of Tamanawa Castle.


On February 26, 1855, during the tenure of the 22nd abbot, the temple complex was again destroyed by fire.  Only the sanmon was spared from the fire which is believed to have been constructed during the mid-Edo period by Mito Mitsukuni.

Fudo-den (不動殿)
Fudo Myoo in the Fudo-den

In the spring of 1976, efforts to restore the temple complex began and was completed in 1998.

Josho-den (浄聖殿)

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