Former Residential House of the Wadas (旧和田家住宅)

Former Residential House of the Wadas (旧和田家住宅)

The Former Residential House of the Wadas (旧和田家住宅) was built by Wada Seiemon (和田清右衛門), an official of Hagisono Village (currently, the Hagisono District of Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefectrure).

Jokenji Temple

When the house was being dismantled in 1982, a tag stating "安政二年三月吉日," which literally translates to "a fine day in March of Ansei 2," was found proving the house was built in 1855.  In July 1982, the house was designated as cultural property by the city of Chigasaki.  It was relocated to where it currently stands and opened as a museum in April 1985.

Across the street from the site is the Buddhist temple (Jodo Shu) of Jokenji Temple (浄見寺), where Ooka Echizen's grave lies.

On July 30, 2022, the Chigasaki City Museum opened nearby.

Chigasaki City Museum

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