Hakusan Jinja (白山神社)

Hakusan Jinja (白山神社)

Hakusan Jinja (白山神社) (also known as Mishima Jinja [三島神社]) is a Shinto shrine located in the Tsujidomotomachi District of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, close to Tsujido Suwa Jinja and Hachimori Inari Jinja.  The shrine enshrines the kami Kukurihime-no-Okami (菊理媛大神), also known as Shirayama Hime Okami (白山比咩大神), revered as a god of agriculture, the ocean, and as a local guardian.

According to the Nihon Shoki, Kukurihime-no-Okami played a role in mediating the conflict between Izanagi and Izanami, a divine couple.  Because of this, Kukurihime-no-Okami is also honored as a kami of matchmaking, marriage, harmonious relationships, and household safety.

Entrance to Hakusan Jinja

At the entrance of the shrine, there is a stone pillar engraved with "白山神社入口" and "三島神社."

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